AdonisJs ACL (Access Control List) — 1/2

Glauber Brack Castro
5 min readApr 3, 2020

Sup, guys?

This is my first tutorial on Medium, so any advices will be very welcome.

I’ll teach you to build a an simple project using Node.js with the AdonisJs framework, where you will be able to create an Access Control List for your users into your application. I divided this in two articles, in this first article we will just create an api where you can create a user, login and create a project.

If you already know how to do this, jump for the next article.

Before we start, I’ll list somethings that we will use

- Visual Studio Code (for coding)

- Potsgress database (I will use postgress as an docker container, fell free to use any database alllowed by AdonisJs)

- Insomnia (To test our routes, requests and responses for the API)

First of all, let’s create our project with AdonisJs. For this project I’m using an Windows OS, if you are in another operation system, it’s a good thing to see the framework documentation for how you can install this on your machine to use CLI.

On Windows, run your Windows PowerShell and find the folder where you want to create you project, just like the image, run the cli command:

